Crowdfunding for Funeral Expenses

At, we've set up a social network that provides families with the financial and emotional support they need when confronted with the loss of a loved one by centralizing online donations for expenses associated with burial arrangements.

Benefits of Our Funeral Fund Program

Crowdfunding has become a phenomenal way to get things done. Entrepreneurs are launching businesses, couples are taking their dream vacation and filmmakers are getting their scripts from paper to the screen. We are no longer dependent on loan officers, banks and investors that need to be convinced our dreams and needs are worthy of financing. Crowdfunding puts your needs before the general public, offering the chance to reach sympathetic, like-minded individuals who want to help.

We at want to help everyone alleviate his or her situation with our services. We believe crowdfunding is ideal for dealing with the financial setbacks associated with losing a loved one. Through, you not only inform family and friends of the passing, but you can receive memorial donations that help.

How Crowdfunding for Funeral Expenses Works

Set Up a Campaign

You need to have a WePay or PayPal account attached to your bank account; this is set up through our site. Use our easy to navigate tools to create a page letting family and friends know about your loss and the need for online donations to help. Upload images, stories and other information you think readers would like to know. Link your Funeral Fund page to sources like the deceased's Facebook page so that people who may not have known them well will have a better understanding of who they were. Set a practical financial goal so that readers won't be put off, but will believe they can indeed help. You will receive all funds donated, even if you exceed your goal.

Promote Your Campaign knows how discomforting it can be to ask for money, but our site not only makes the process easier, it can reach thousands a lot faster than other communication channels. But you need to do your part by letting the world know you are crowdfunding for funeral expenses. Link the page on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. Send out emails and text messages. Social media is the most powerful tool in the world for disseminating information and now is the time to take advantage of that.

Receipt of Funds

While campaigns can be extended, they are automatically set up for two weeks. Any memorial donations will be sent to your account immediately. If you have not linked a PayPal or WePay account to your campaign, funds will be held until you do so.

Our goal is to help everyone get through a difficult period when finances should be the last thing anyone is worrying about. Let our crowdfunding for funeral expenses give you peace of mind and the final rest your loved ones deserve.